YABI YABI, as the publisher of yabi-yabi.com, is committed to providing its customers with the highest possible standards of products and services.
As part of that commitment, we have created the following privacy statement to help you better understand the privacy issues that arise as a result of using our website products and services. When you visit the website, our servers automatically record basic information about your usage, such as the type of Internet browser and operating system you use, the date, time and duration of your visit, and the pages you view. This information is anonymous and does not identify you as an individual.
Where necessary, we collect personally identifiable information on certain parts of our website, for example when you make a booking. The personally identifiable information collected may include a username or unique user ID and contact information such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone and fax numbers. You may be able to make purchases on our website, in which case we will need to collect your order information, payment information and delivery instructions to facilitate payment.
You can set your browser to allow the use of cookies, to notify you, or to refuse to accept cookies as set out in your browser settings.
We will not intentionally release personally identifiable information and we do not sell, trade, or rent such information to third parties (such as advertisers or telemarketers). Any personally identifiable information you provide will only be provided to third parties if:
- You consent to such disclosure
- We are legally obliged or authorized to do so
- Our website or our business is sold to or merged with another entity
All information you provide to us is stored and maintained using generally accepted standards of technology and operational security to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other third party websites outside our network and direct control. We accept no responsibility for their activities and we recommend that you read the terms of use of their websites before providing any information to them.
If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please send an email to info@yabi-yabi.com